Make Picking The Right Bicycle Easier

In recent times the western world has undergone a transportation change. More and more people are leaving the car behind in favor of the bicycle, in the west the car reigned supreme but we are now seeing a growth in popularity of the bike. This could be because down to the prices of gas and running a car, or perhaps people are deciding to care more for the planet. The fact is there are plenty more cyclists on the road now than there were just a few years ago. Have you been tempted to use a bike for your everyday transport needs? If you have then there are several things you should look at when you do.

It’s okay for fashion to affect the decision you make about your new bicycle. The color we like best, or the style we like least, all influence our choices. Your new bike should reflect your favorites. Using style and fashion preferences as your main criteria is silly, unless you are only getting a bike to look good. Safety and comfort should be considered first. After finding bikes that are both safe and comfy, then you can see which ones look the best to you.

For road bikes take away 9 inches from the total of your inseam. This is due to the type of tires you will be using for a road bike. Designed to work best on concrete pavements, road bikes are find out best suited to cycling around the city. With a mountain bike you will need to take away around one foot from the inseam. Mountain bikes have different tires than a road bike. You will find them to be much bigger and designed to handle rocky terrain. You can of course use a mountain bike for road cycling but this isn't supposed to be their primary use.

You also need to acquire some safety gear. Bicycles of then and bicycles of now are two completely different things. Not only do they look a lot better than they used to, they are also built better to provide greater protection. You should never go for a ride without putting on your helmet first. You never know when that little detail is going to save you from an early grave.

It wouldn't hurt to invest in some knee pads and elbow pads, as well as wrist and ankle guards if you plan to do some off-roading. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself some pants clips. Pants clips are designed to hold your pants in place so they don't get caught up in the chain or the gears of the bike. You have many things to consider when getting a bicycle. There are people who view the durability of a bike to be most important, this is especially true if you plan to use your bike a lot over rough terrain. These folks are looking to find a bike that allows them to get where they are going without having to worry about a breakdown. Price can also be a point to consider. Research bikes before you decide which you want, then shop around before purchasing. Do some research and steer clear of buying the first bike you come across.

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